Movement RX – Spine
April 27 @ 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Forward flexion, lateral flexion, extension, twisting – these are all movements you can expect in any normal yoga class. You’ve all heard the saying “use it or lose it” but do we all need more mobility? What should you do if you’ve suffered a herniated disc, have degenerative disc disease, or any other host of problems and various movements are painful? Or, maybe your yoga practice sounds a lot like a bowl of Rice Crispies: “snap, crackle, pop!” Should your focus be on mobility then? Many folks can actually benefit from more spinal stiffness aka core strength. In this workshop we’ll take a brief look at spinal anatomy and explore how the vertebral bodies in various areas of the back are built to facilitate movement in a variety of directions (or not). We’ll also use a number of techniques to invite greater mobility or greater stiffness into our spines, depending on our individual needs.
Cost: $20. Register here.